Sunday, November 28, 2010

Northern Hemisphere Harvest ale

Northern Hemisphere Harvest ale
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.
American Pale Ale
6.7% ABV
60-65 IBUs
OG 16.5 Plato, FG 4.0 Plato
24 oz bottle from 2010 batch, bottled on the 266th day of the year (September 23, 2010 I suppose), poured into a wine glass on November 27, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Slight hazy, amber-red hued with a big, dense head; excellent head retention and lacing. Got clearer with rising temperature.

Aroma 3/5
My apologies for not being in a room devoid of all other smell (pizza, flowers, carpet...) but it's hard to pick any aroma from it. A weak smelling beer! There are bready sweet malts and the hop aroma becomes a little assertive with rising temperature but that's about it. Smells like "beer" was the second opinion I sought. Damn SN, first Celebration and then this! Great tasting beer, as I have written later, but lackluster aroma.

Taste 4.5/5
Riding on a simple, lightly sweet malt base is a solid hop presence that would put many AIPAs to shame! Very flavorful and massively bitter, this beer is a good example of how IBUs could be deceptive, as far as the perceived bitterness goes: as an example, KBS is 70 IBUs and is certainly bitter, among other things, but bitterness would never be central to that beer; while in the case of Northern Hemisphere Harvest, flavorful bitterness reigns supreme with earthy and spicy hop character, and some citrus. The hop profile is reminiscent of Surly Furious to some extent, although this beer precedes Furious by years.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Sticky and resiny hop presence on this medium bodied beer, with medium carbonation and a semi-dry bittering finish.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Very good drinkability but when it comes to throwing back a few, I'd prefer Daisy Cutter because of 1.5% less ABV. Otherwise flawless!

A great beer that celebrates simplicity and balance without any hype or overpricing. This is a wet hop ale I really like even though the wet hop character seemed muted after 2 months of bottling. Seeing as this beer was brewed with Centennial hops, I was looking for a character similar to all Centennial Bell's Two Hearted and Founders Centennial but the fruitiness was missing and this one was very clean with only the bitterness shining. Highly recommended. Did I mention it's less than $5 for a 24 oz. bottle?!

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