Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daisy Cutter Pale Ale

Daisy Cutter Pale Ale
Half Acre Beer Company
American Pale Ale
5.2% ABV
16 oz can with no freshness date poured into a Sam Adams perfect pint on Nov 05, 2010.

Appearance 4.5/5
Hazy amber orange with a solid, creamy off white head, with great head retention and kickass lacing.

Aroma 4.5/5
Strong aroma of leafy hops: lightly floral to green notes dominate the nose and stay through the pint. Not much else to it besides a great hop aroma.

Taste 4/5
Slightly fruity at the beginning with a massive bitterness for its body and solid hop flavor leading to a medium dry and bittering finish. Very tasty, but the balance is a little too much towards the hops.

Mouthfeel 4/5
Well carbonated and crisp but a tad thin, with the malt backbone struggling against the hops.

Drinkability 4.5/5
Very good; this low alcohol ale is packed with flavor and is very refreshing. Highly recommended!

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