Saturday, November 6, 2010


Duvel Moortgat
Belgian Golden Ale
8.5% ABV
11.2 oz bottle with a best before date of Jan, 2013 poured into a Duvel tulip on Nov 05, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
The looks of this beer cannot be put into words and it's an experience in itself to achieve the perfect pour that showcases the brilliance of Duvel. Brightly clear and golden with massive sudsy head that takes a while to come down to a manageable level, which is still very dense and rocky and is getting fed continuously by the stream of bubbles rising from the bottom of the tulip. The lacing is similar to head: chunky, dense and sticky.

Aroma 4/5
Light phenols and fruit (pear, apricot) dominate the nose, with hints of soft alcohol creeping in with warmth. Little sweetness from the malts, hints of toast, and some dark fruit are also present.

Taste 4/5
Opens with slight fruitiness, but quickly displays the hop bitterness and its rich malty, vinous, and soft alcohol character. The finish, however, is amazingly dry and long with dry bitterness of dark fruit, and hop bitterness.

Mouthfeel 5/5
Effervescent with medium body.

Drinkability 5/5
Recipe for disaster!

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