9.8% ABV
85 IBUs
OG: 29° Plato
Color: 55° SRM
2010 vintage, poured into a generic 10-12 oz tulip at Acadia Cafe, Minneapolis, on 11/11/2010; a few weeks after the release.
Appearance 5/5
Jet black with a dark mocha colored head that is very slow to settle and leaves a fantastic lacing. Perfect.
Aroma 3.5/5
Sweet smelling from malts but with a strong herbal hop aroma followed by hints of dark fruit, even cherries, but no tartness. Weak, however.
Taste 4/5
Yes, there's roast, and there are a lot of hops too, and all of it rides on an excellent base of dark fruit. Begins with a strong raisin-y character, much like a well aged barleywine, but not as strong, and soon the huge hoppiness appears to contrast the initial rich sweetness; plenty of roast joins in towards the finish: the finish is remarkably clean, and astringent to some degree, and the aftertaste is all hoppy and burnt accompanied by some alcohol warming, that is not felt anywhere else. Later, towards the end of the drink, I noticed a lighter sweetness and citrus. Really?!! All of a sudden it's a "Black Barleywine" or what?
Mouthfeel 5/5
Medium to big bodied, silky and coating, with low carbonation. Perfect, again!
Drinkability 4.5/5
Very drinkable, perhaps a little too much!
A very good beer but not worth the hype and effort. But then, which other RIS's are as good? This one sure is outstanding.
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