Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fuller's ESB

Fuller’s ESB
Fuller, Smith & Turner P.L.C.
Extra Special/Strong Bitter
5.9% ABV



11.2 oz bottle, with a freshness date of June 04, 2011, poured into a Sam Adams perfect pint on Nov 01, 2010.

Appearance 5/5
Brilliantly clear, deep copper colored, with a big off white head that had good retention and left excellent lacing on the glass. Looks exceeded the expectations!

Aroma 4/5
Great dark caramel aroma with plenty of sweetness, and some earthy hop aroma. Unfortunately, this version of this beer is not all the brewer claims, perhaps because of time, journey, and storage. Still very good!

Taste 4/5
Flavorful maltiness akin to nose, with a present but not over the top bitterness, and a flavorful finish that is medium-dry, soft, and mildly bittering. The finish seems to be drier and crispier when the beer is cold. Perhaps it’s because the hops have faded but the balance of this sample is clearly towards malt. The fruity elements mentioned on Fuller’s website are missing, but still it’s very good.

Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Light-medium body with medium carbonation, but packed with flavor.

Drinkability 4/5
The ABV is a little higher than what I’d prefer for a sessionable ale. Otherwise very drinkable and highly recommended. Fresh on cask, this beer would be a masterpiece.

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