Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Racer 5

Racer 5
American IPA
Bear Republic Brewing Co.
7% ABV
75+ IBUs

12 oz., undated, poured into a shaker pint glass.

    Pours amber-golden and relatively clear with a small bubbly head. Head retention can't really be commented upon with this head but some lacing is seen. Average looks, especially for an AIPA.

    It's funny how the nose picks different notes at different samplings. When I had Racer 5 for the first time about an year ago, I picked strong tropical fruit notes typical to Centennial hops (Two Hearted Ale); now I pick a spicier note that is even stronger than the faint tropical fruit. The spice is nice and appealing, instead of borderline garlic. But, aroma is not the strong suit of this bottle (or beer?)

    Taste is delicious in one word. Light, sweet frutiness and plenty of spicy to weedy character on a medium-low body with crisp carbonation and a clean finish. Let's nitpick now: the taste is slightly sweet for the body and the bitterness lacking at times: I expect IPAs to be bitter at the back of the palate and this one goes down without that "kick". However, there's bitter aftertaste aplenty to compensate.

    I am really digging the clear, clean flavors; the crispness; and the dry finish that is not quite Duvel-like, but approaches it. Overall it's a good beer that doesn't wreck the wallet or the palate.

Appearance 3/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4.5/5

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