Friday, July 8, 2011

Bitter Brewer

Bitter Brewer
not-really-a British Bitter
Surly Brewing Co.
4% ABV
37 IBUs
OG 9.5 degrees Plato
Color 11 degrees SRM

16 oz., canned 05/25/2011 poured into a shaker pint glass.

Murky amber, with a small light khaki head. Reasonable amount of bubbles stick around, and quite respectable lacing for the head. Good looking for the style.

Not as hoppy as a fresher can, but decidedly fruitier. If I had to pick one, I will pick apricots, but its just generally fruity. Tastes fruity too, with bitterness towards the back and a drying, tannic finish. Good at its size. Herbal and earthy.

The body is fitting and the carbonation aptly high. Drinkability is where this beer really shines. I can safely say that I buy this *seasonal* beer most. A great choice at the bars and parties, one of the few American beer that pack a flavor punch at low alcohol levels.

Appearance: 4/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 4.5/5

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