Friday, July 22, 2011

Dancing Man

Dancing Man Wheat
New Glarus Brewing Co.
7.2% ABV

12 oz. poured into a weizen-esque glass on 07/21/2011. Bottle code 1531 = about month and a half old.

    Pours golden with a big, creamy white colored head. Appropriately hazy. The head retention is average for the head size, but the lacing looks good. Smells very good --- complex, but refreshing. Bready sweet with notes of clove spice and perhaps lemon? Unmistakable cinnamon pops up soon enough. Very nice!

    Refreshingly sweet, with ample fruitiness but unfortunately not a hint of tartness :/ Oddly, I find this beer more bitter at the back than I'd like a hefeweizen to be, and yet the finish is borderline cloying. Fault on two counts in my opinion. Yet, nothing is offensive about it and I will certainly deem it above average.

    I am digging the feel of this beer. Although it seems to be on the heavier side of hefes, that's the way I like most of my beers. Carbonation is present but is not enough to tackle the residual sweetness.

    Overall, a good hefeweizen and especially so when fresh. However, if I had to choose between US brewed hefes, I will take Kellerweiss over this one.

Note: Originally I had given this beer a 4/5 on the Overall; however, having checked the ABV, I have to slash it down to 2.5 (slightly below average). 7.2% ABV! Seriously?! Why? And yes, I WILL take Kellerweiss any day.

Appearance 4/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 2.5/5

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