Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Girardin Gueuze 1882 (Black Label)

Girardin Gueuze 1882 (Black Label)
Brouwerij Girardin
5% ABV
375 ml. cork (2011) and caged, sent by dvelcich, poured into a shaker pint since I don't have a gueuze glass. Thanks Dan!

    Fairly clear, orange-red hued with a medium off white head. Decent head retention; some lacing is noted. Initial aroma is all acid and barnyard funk, but lemon and pepper notes follow soon. While at room temperature, the aroma gets borderline spicy. Quite complex.

    Spicy, funky, refreshingly tart with a bite at the end that's acidic (well it's a lambic, isn't it?), slightly bitter, and tannic with oak I assume. Well carbonated and very dry. As noted, refreshing but not overwhelmingly sour.

Appearance 4, Aroma 4, Taste 4, Mouthfeel 5, Overall 4

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