Friday, July 22, 2011

Hop in the Dark

Left one is fresh while the right one is about year and a half old.

Hop in the Dark
Cascadian Dark Ale
Deschutes Brewery
6.9% ABV
70 IBUs

    Because of a wrongly printed "Best After" date, I ended up aging a bottle of Hop in the Dark. When this year's version came out, it was time for a side by side of two bottles, one labeled Best After 05/29/2010 and another Best By 11/28/11. I suppose there's a difference of about an year and a half between the two, with the newer one being quite fresh.

Clear dark brown with a good tan colored head. Good lacing and retention.

    Newer one is pungent with hops while older one has developed some oxidized character. Smells nice to me since I am a fan of sherry port notes (in moderation) Fruitiness is present in both to varying degrees with the older being earthier. Roasty chocolate.

    Taste is bitter and roasty with medium fruitiness. The tartness of roast shines more in the older, while the newer is certainly greener. The roast is too strong --- it's a porter for all I care!

    Mouthfeel is rather thin and AIPA-ish. Carbonation is spot on. Same on both. Finishes dry and astringent. Overall it's average to good.

Scores: Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 3/5; Overall 4/5

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