Saturday, July 9, 2011

Devil Dancer

Devil Dancer
"Triple" IPA
Founders Brewing Co.
12% ABV
112 IBUs

12 oz., bottled 06/17/2011 poured into a New Belgium balloon.
Massive in complexity, the huge malt character balances the insane amount of alphas used to create it. At an incredible 112 IBUs, it's dry-hopped with ten hop varieties.
    Beautiful copper red with good clarity and a very good alabaster head. Good head retention and lacing. Aroma is dominantly fresh pine, to the extent of being cool and almost minty. Some garlic notes lurk at the background. No alcohol is felt in the smell.

    Tastes strongly, overwhelmingly, and one dimensionally bitter. Insanely bitter and at the threshold of my comfort level. Whoever thinks that beer cannot get any more bitter than their favorite/most hated D/IPA/Strong Ale/Barleywine needs to try this one. An unsurprising and powerfully bitter finish that doesn't let any sweetness whatsoever be felt. Alcohol is felt in its taste and warming effect. Body is medium and carbonation is on the lower side.

    This might be the most bitter beer I have ever had (this or Hopsickle), and is certainly not very drinkable. But then, nor is Black Tuesday. I will give it to Founders that it's not a sweet mess like many higher ABV D/IPAs and if it had been lower on the booze coefficient, I will rate the taste higher.

    However, the complexity of this beer is only on paper. It might be dry hopped with 10 hop varieties and might have a huge malt character, but the only quality that really shines is bitterness. An extreme beer and a punishment on the palate, I am not going to seek it out under normal circumstances. However, this might be one of the very few beers that can provide comfort in an acute case of Lupulin Threshold Shift.

Appearance: 4.5/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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