Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lunker, others


Barrel Aged Barleywine
Steel Toe Brewing
14.4% ABV

Shared at Steasy66's on the day of its release by Dave, thanks! Poured into a snifter.

    Oddly cloudy and rusty hued, appearance is the only downside of this beer. Very very good aroma with plenty of toast, toffee, coconut and barrel notes. The aroma is smooth and rounded out, but the taste is a little rough... and I like it!

    Very sharp tasting, with liquor like features, strong toffee and some bitterness. It would be nice to see the bitterness fall off a little, but the sharpness/heat, I don't mind at all.

    Someone remarked that the carbonation was low, I thought it was just right. The body is not syrupy because of the booze I think, but some sweetness lingers in the finish.

    I was on fence about dropping 20 bucks a pop on something no one has tried before, but I am quite happy.

3.5, 4.5, 4, 4.5, 4.5

Fritz & Ken's Ale

    Sierra Nevada's 30th anniversary Imperial Stout. ~2 years old at this point. C&C 750 poured into a snifter.

    Dark but not black hole dark; good dark brown head with good retention. Aroma has plenty of sweetness, dark fruit, roast and anise. Tastes sub par with medicinal notes; some roast is present. Medium body, medium carbonation. Overall just an Imperial Stout with nothing too compelling about it.

4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 4, 3

Weyerbacher Tiny

Belgian (style) Imperial Stout
C&C 750 poured into a snifter. ~1.5 years old at this point.

Near black colored (duh) with medium head and head retention. Simultaneously estery and roasty notes in the aroma. Tastes roasty but also fruity. Aside from the fruit, it resembles a Belgian ale in its body and bubbly mouthfeel. Not bad.

4, 3, 3.5, 4, 4

Samuel Adams Triple Bock

    Thanks Nils! Tiny blue bottle with a cork shared among 3 people. The cork has some sediment on it. Beer pours dark, viscous and still. Legs are seen upon swirling. Very complex: chocolate, caramel, figs, sherry/port like notes abound. Sweet but somewhat bitter/dark and balanced enough in small quantities. No carbonation, silky feel. Boozy and potent. Not nearly as bad as I was led to think. And I have had it twice.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

Dark Heathen

Thanks Ron! 12 oz sampled alongside the infamous SATB. 2011 edition.

    Brown and clear, the looks are certainly lager-y. Not much of head retention. Prominent notes include straight up maltiness, toffee and chocolate. Somewhat alcoholic which is welcome. Feels a tad thinner for its intensity but on the up side it is very clean. Glad to have had it.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

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