Monday, April 9, 2012

Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge

Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge
11.2 oz poured into a snifter. 6.99 a pop.

    Clear rust brown with hints of red; medium head with average retention and lacing. Aroma is lactic and acetic... yogurt, balsamic vinegar, funk and acid in general. Very sour taste of tart plums, and intense bite of vinegar... perhaps too intense. Or I am drinking it too warm. Medium body, good carbonation and clean finish. Good. Better than other beers of its kind, and a good balance of acetic and lactic.

    Downsides? Too sour, maybe. Some balancing bitterness wouldn't have hurt. But between the current taste and too bitter, I would go with current.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

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