Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Cockeyed Cooper

Poured into a snifter. Thanks Shane.

    Amber colored, medium head, medium retention. Toffee, vanilla, some sweetness, hints of wood -- mellow and subtle. Retains its hops and stronger bourbon notes in taste compared to the aroma. Light carbonation, smooth, slightly boozy in the finish and thoroughly likeable.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4

BA Hi Fi Rye (Batch II)

Poured into a snifter. Thanks Jason.

    On the medium-dark side of barleywine spectrum. Very delicious maltiness, some spice, ample toffee and some vanilla. Drinks like sweet bourbon, hot damn! Strong toffee in the taste that I am thoroughly loving. Finish slightly bitter with hints of delicious alcohol. Silky with medium body and carbonation, but sub par presence. Mouthfeel could be better; otherwise I loved it.

4, 4, 4.5, 4, 4.5

Bligh's Barleywine

Poured into a snifter. Thanks Colby.

    Rich, strong barrel notes; brown sugar and caramel; some alcohol notes and they work very well. Certainly not hot in any manner though. Sweet and decadent with notes of caramel, toffee and dry fruits; appears slightly thin and clean with the base beer and barrels perfectly balanced.

4, 4, 4.5, 4, 4.5

Arctic Devil (2011 vintage)

Poured into a snifter. Thanks Dan.

    Dark and rusty with good head. Ripe fruit, burnt sugar and dark caramel. Great barrel notes in the taste, dried fruits and chocolate. Good mouthfeel too. Very smooth with a good barrel character and a good beer overall. However, it seems to more about barrels and less about the base. Didn't really stack up to other barleywines at the tasting.

4, 3.5, 3.5, 4, 4

Barrel Aged Naked Evil

Belgian Style Barleywine. Poured into a snifter. Thanks match1112 and IrishColonial.

    Aroma is quite fruity with a hint of sweet alcohol. Smells more like a quadrupel than a barleywine! Mixed esters, toasted pear and dessert in general. Only a hint of barrels in aroma but it is stronger in the taste. Sweet and boozy with sticky caramel, and still clean finishing. I'd rather the finish be a little longer but otherwise very very good. Mellow, subtle and understated. I need to drink this outside of a tasting environment to fully appreciate it!

4, 4, 4.5, 4, 4.5

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