Monday, April 9, 2012


6.7% ABV
Poured into a Samichlaus tulip. Best by the end of this month.

    Deep amber with a good head, retention and lacing. Looks are certainly of a maltier/malt forward IPA. Aroma? Not IPA. Smaller strong ale? Amber ale? Whatever but not AIPA like. Caramel malt is strong in this one and hops are not aggressive in the aroma.

    Taste follows the aroma... malty sweet with bitterness in a balancing role, getting prominent only toward the end. The hop flavors are also deeper and earthier even though it is mentioned clearly on the label that American hops are used.

    Good body with alive carbonation; still a little too sweet in its finish and aftertaste. Overall it's pretty good. Can't say that I will buy it again given that I can get fresh Furious all the time which is an excellent example of an IPA with a malt character.

4, 3, 3, 4, 4

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