Tuesday, March 8, 2011


"Our Happy, Hoppy, Amber" Ale
Maine Beer Company
7.2% ABV

500 ml bottle with no freshness date poured into a Duvel tulip. Thanks Ipatsfans!
    More brown than amber, this ale poured a dark shade of burnt caramel with a beautiful light brown head. The suds formed in cascade, like a thick stout - dense and creamy, and held promise of good retention and lacing. Not exactly what I expected but good looking nonetheless.
    Delicate hop aroma with the freshness of a pine forest and some caramel notes underneath. The hop aroma is reminiscent of West Coast stuff, and Daisy Cutter. Go figure. Taste is fairly amicable, with a decent amount of light bitterness and a good malt backbone. The hop flavor is fresh, and is rind like at times: always welcome. Again unexpected but there's a fair (for the style description) amount of roast  induced, I believe, tannic character. Drinks more like a hoppy porter or black IPA, but that's just nitpicking. Finish is rather sweet for my liking and the alcohol is high as well. The body and the mouthfeel are spot on if you ask me, and overall the beer is quite pleasant for a brewery with merely 2 beers on its portfolio. Thanks again, Ipatsfans! A good drink.
Scores: Appearance 4.5, Aroma 4, Taste 4, Mouthfeel 4, Drinkability 4

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