Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout

Guinness Foreign Extra Stout
Foreign Extra Stout
7.5% ABV

    Fuck you Guinness for putting a freshness "code" and making your website so damn tough to access. Fuck you again for making Guinness Draught. Now on to review.

    11.2 oz. bottle with a strange code under Best Before poured into a Lion mug. Dark brown and clear with a big mocha colored creamy head with excellent retention and excellent lacing. Perfect looks for a stout of its strength.
    Dark and sweet malts and molasses would be pretty good descriptors for the aroma on this stout. The taste begins on fruity notes that transform into molasses and some acidic notes, and finishes very harsh, charred, and bitter. Didn't expect this from Guinness! Some molasses like flavors linger along with hints of sweetness but overall very dry and deeply bittering.
    The body is medium and the carbonation high that works (?) in this case because FES is not a silky smooth stout by any means. Alcohol is never noticed but more than a couple of these won't be too enjoyable.

Scores: Appearance 5/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 3.5/5; Mouthfeel 2/5; Drinkability 3.5/5

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