Saturday, March 12, 2011

Unplugged Abt

Unplugged Abt
New Glarus Brewing Co.
9.75% ABV
OG 20° Plato

12 oz. bottle poured into a 3 Philosophers glass.

    Poured caramel brown, fairly bright and clear, with a dull colored medium sized head that dissipated fast with a soda like fizzing sound. None of the glorious looks that come with the style. No lacing either. Smells of caramel, candy with some vinously tart notes. Aroma is certainly not this ale's strength.
    One suggestion: the warmer the better. The taste of Unplugged Abt went from being thoroughly unimpressive to good over the course of the hour. Bitter caramel dominated the taste, with chocolaty, yeasty, and vinous notes complementing it.Medium bodied, bursting with carbonation, with a crisp, tannic, and dry finish that left a slightly bitter aftertaste and plenty of warmth. The alcohol is well concealed. Not the best of the style by any means but certainly not bad.

Scores: Appearance 3/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Drinkability 4/5

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