Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bitter American

Bitter American
21st Amendment Brewery
Extra Pale Ale
4.4% ABV
42 IBUs

12 oz can, about a month old, poured into a Saison Dupont stange.

Appearance 5/5
Brightly clear, deep golden-amber colored, with a good off white head, good head retention and lacing.

Aroma 4.5/5
Tropical fruit dominates -- mangoes and pineapples, but there's the minty freshness of sharper smelling hops too lurking somewhere. Sweet malts come up eventually, and hint at a present malt base.

Taste 3.5/5
Some esters and malt sweetness that play well with the fruity hop flavors. Easy drinking, and the bitterness is really not all that high. The finish is dry, which is fine, but the aftertaste has some inexplicable astringency to it that is unexpected and not welcome!

Mouthfeel 4/5
The body and carbonation are okay at first but the body seems a tad thin as the beer warms up.

Overall 4.5/5
A good tasting beer, and great for its ABV. One of the best lower alcohol options, but I doubt if it will hold up for 2 months after its canning date.

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