Friday, March 18, 2011

Trappistes Rochefort 8

Trappistes Rochefort 8
Brasserie de Rochefort (Abbaye de Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy)
9.2% ABV

11.2 oz bottle (fresh) poured into a big snifter. Clear, unsaturated brown with a creamy medium light brown head. The head retention is good for the glass and lacing is poor as expected (the glass, again). Very dark chunky sediment is carefully avoided.

The aroma was very very potent to begin. It could be called saturating, or even numbing if you go too close... sniff at a safe Scotch like distance! Fresh baked fruit dessert, specifically pear, contained sweetness, and spice (especially apparent after knowing that there is some coriander in it). Slightly sweet on palate with plenty of freshly caramelized sweetness in the aftertaste. Signature Rochefort. Medium body, ample carbonation, clean and dry finish, long aftertaste, dangerous drinkability. Slight bitterness noted at the end. Floral notes at times, very very delicate. Dark fruit emerges with warmth. What a yeast!

Rochefort should be an adjective in beer vocabulary. Very similar in character to 10, but less tannic and certainly thinner. On the up side, alcohol is less interfering too.

Scores -- Appearance: 4, Aroma: 4, Taste: 4, Mouthfeel: 4.5, Overall: 4.5

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