Thursday, December 15, 2011

Weyerbacher Sixteen

Weyerbacher Sixteen
Ale brewed with honey (dark braggot)
10.5% ABV
Poured into a Lucifer snifter.

    Pours the clear garnet color of a Quadrupel, with a moderate bubbly tan head. Good retention, medium lacing. Smells strongly of honey, and I like it. Drinks sweet with hints of dark bitterness. Definite notes of honey and yeast.

    The finish is mildly tannic, and the booze is present. Richness of dark fruit and dried peel --- frankly, this reminds me of Rochefort 10, say what you may! Either my palate is shit, or this beer is way underrated. I read some reviews and the major complaints are off-putting booziness and unwanted esters. Classic "fermentation gone wrong"? Well, I don't get any of it. In my very humble opinion, except for 6, 8, and 10, this is the only beer I have had that evokes similar feelings as Rochefort does!

4, 4, 4.5, 4, 4.5

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