Size 7
Steel Toe Brewing (TC local)
7% ABV
"Northwest style" IPA
Undated bomber poured into a pint. Guys at the store said that they had just gotten a shipment in, so I will assume it's fresh.
Pours a very clear amber color with a pillowy two finger off white head with good retention and lacing. Looks the part, although a tiny bit of haze = win. Maybe it's filtered.
Aroma is... meh. Tastes clean and bitter. Seemed a little dull at first but I am warming up to it. Good bitterness all around supported by a medium-light body and touch of malts, with good citrusy notes. Carbonation is on the lower side that's generally good in my opinion.
My nose might be off because I find it a little bit lacking in aroma and hop flavor. As if there were enough early additions (very very welcome) but not enough late additions/dry hopping. The brilliant clarity might be because of lack of dry hopping? Then again I believe no brewery would put out an IPA in this market w/o dry hopping it to the best of their judgment.
Overall, I like it. A good local option, better than any IPA put out by Summit, Fulton, Schell's. Does it excel Furious or Mama? Probably not, but regardless, it's a good beer at a good price! Thanks Keith for the recommendation.
4.5, 2, 4, 4.5, 4
Steel Toe Brewing (TC local)
7% ABV
"Northwest style" IPA
Undated bomber poured into a pint. Guys at the store said that they had just gotten a shipment in, so I will assume it's fresh.
Pours a very clear amber color with a pillowy two finger off white head with good retention and lacing. Looks the part, although a tiny bit of haze = win. Maybe it's filtered.
Aroma is... meh. Tastes clean and bitter. Seemed a little dull at first but I am warming up to it. Good bitterness all around supported by a medium-light body and touch of malts, with good citrusy notes. Carbonation is on the lower side that's generally good in my opinion.
My nose might be off because I find it a little bit lacking in aroma and hop flavor. As if there were enough early additions (very very welcome) but not enough late additions/dry hopping. The brilliant clarity might be because of lack of dry hopping? Then again I believe no brewery would put out an IPA in this market w/o dry hopping it to the best of their judgment.
Overall, I like it. A good local option, better than any IPA put out by Summit, Fulton, Schell's. Does it excel Furious or Mama? Probably not, but regardless, it's a good beer at a good price! Thanks Keith for the recommendation.
4.5, 2, 4, 4.5, 4
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