Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Pine Belt

Pine Belt
American Pale Ale
Southern Star Brewing Company
6.3% ABV
45 IBUs

16 oz can with no visible date poured into a Surly pint. Thanks Rubio.

Clear and deep amber-orange with a medium and creamy off white head. Good retention, great lacing.

If a beer is named pine belt, I expect a PtE out of it, and even PtE didn't deliver in that department :/ This smells of some hops, if not powerfully piney, but rather woody. Not strong enough and just average. Tropical fruit comes in screaming WTF when it gets warm. Kinda discordant if you ask me, but not repulsive.

The taste is ok... slightly sweet, quite clean, and unidirectionally bitter w/o any hop derived flavor. A little too clean, if you know what I mean. The bitterness however is very perceptible because of the "simple" nature of this beer. I am divided about whether to call it simple or ordinary or simply ordinary! Also, the woodiness of the aroma is very present in an unlikely astringent finish that I would normally frown at but the moment makes it ok.

Mouthfeel is "right" given the clean nature of the beer. This one is the kind that is not worth actively seeking out, but drinking a few over a few hours at the bar. Problem is the ABV; a little too much bang for the buck?! Overall I am NOT impressed but discontinuing this beer will NOT make the world a better place.

Scores: Appearance 4.5/5; Aroma 3/5; Taste 3/5; Mouthfeel 4.5/5; Overall 2.5/5

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