Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lost Gold IPA

Lost Gold IPA
American IPA
Real Ale Brewing
6.6% ABV
55 IBUs
OG: 15 deg. Plato

12 oz bottle with an Enjoy by of 07/19/2011 poured into a Bell's tulip. Thanks Rubio.

Golden-amber, slightly hazy but mostly clear, Lost Gold pours with a medium off white head that recedes in due time leaving some sticky lacing. All in all, quite AIPA looking. Aroma is nothing remarkable and very faint if at all perceptible.

However, this beer really delights me in its taste. A good example of a balanced IPA, that lets its malt character (that I am digging!) shine, without getting too sweet. Lush and juicy on the palate with a light sweetness, this one delivers the punch at the end and finishes moderately bitter. Okay, it doesn't really deliver a punch, but is still moderately hoppy.

Mouthfeel is crisp and Lost Gold feels refreshing; but as remarked earlier, it doesn't hide its malts. Perfect body for an AIPA in my opinion.

With warmth, some defects get amplified, most notably a slightly harsh (NOT crisp, just harsh) finish that is not common to IPA's. I am surprised that the aroma stays just as dull.

Overall, this one went down easy and smooth, and was one of those beers that I could keep drinking for a while. Too bad that the alcohol is higher than my benchmark IPA's (Furious, Masala Mama).

Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 2/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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