Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Buried Hatchet

Buried Hatchet
Imperial Stout
Southern Star Brewing Company
8.25% ABV
50 IBUs

12 oz can with no visible date poured into a Chimay chalice. Thanks Rubio.

Clear and brown, darker than most brown ales but not in the Imperial Stout territory, Buried Hatchet pours with a medium tan head. Although this chalice doesn't support as good a retention as many other glasses, this particular stout retained a small cap for quite a while. No lacing though.

I find it amazing, and unbelievable, that this is not brewed with actual coffee. Perhaps it is, but there's no mention of coffee additions on the brewer's page even though many other details are given. Smells of roasted coffee beans and sugars, that I always find good. However, the aroma is weak compared to the stouts commonly known for their coffee character (I am comparing it to Breakfast, Speedway etc.)

This is the only beer that I have had in the shower and I recall that it wowed me over, even though I was drinking it from a can. Perhaps it was the low expectations but right now it's not tasting as amazing --- still very good, but not "surprisingly" good I suppose. That doesn't understate its awesomeness though --- strong coffee, fitting but not overwhelming roast and a chocolaty coffee finish, that is lingering. I like this one. The bitterness kicks in only towards the end and seems to be derived from the roast; so the hops are in a strictly balancing role here, which is just fine by me.

The long coffee-chocolate aftertaste gets along really well with the slight warming brought upon by this stout. The mouthfeel is just meh, especially because it gets watery with warmth. Carbonation is alright though, so it can't be called poor in terms of feel. Overall good, if not up there.

Scores: Appearance 4/5; Aroma 3.5/5; Taste 4/5; Mouthfeel 3/5; Overall 4/5

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