Weyerbacher Fifteen
Weyerbacher Brewing Co.
Smoked Imperial Stout
10.5% ABV
12 oz bottle (2010) poured into a Duvel tulip on November 08, 2010.
Appearance 5/5
Pours in a clear dark brown stream and looks black and opaque in the glass. Massive dark brown head forms slowly from a vigorous pour and takes a while to settle down, leaving fantastic lacing on the glass.
Aroma 4/5
Dark, smoked malt aroma jumps out of the glass instantly followed by alcohol and perhaps wood. Quite complex aroma that is unique, intriguing and inviting. Although at warmer temperature, the aroma is dominated by alcohol that pushes everything else to the background.
Taste 4/5
Dark and bitter with roast and smoke, but sweet at the same time, not only because of residual sugars but because of the alcohol too. Dark fruits are perceived because of the burnt character and alcohol-molasses sweetness, with some wood like flavors that are perhaps just because of smoke. The beer gets more bitter, understandably, towards the finish, with lots of roasted astringency kicking in and the aftertaste is full of roast and smoke. But, this stout is a little too cloying.
Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Viscous and silky, with low carbonation that is fitting, but the residual sweetness gets irritating.
Drinkability 4/5
There’s alcohol in here and I can feel it, which is generally a good thing by my standards. However, the overly sweet finish limits my desire to drink it.
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