Monday, November 29, 2010

90 Minute IPA

9% ABV
90 IBUs
12 oz bottled 11/02/2010 poured into a New Belgium snifter on 11/26/2010
Appearance 4.5/5
A very “deep” looking beer: so smooth and viscous that it doesn’t splash or foam much even when poured vigorously. Burnt orange hued, slightly hazy with a very creamy and very dense off white head. Good head retention and lacing, signature DIPA looks on this one.
Aroma 3.5/5
Earthy and grassy hop aroma, like green leaves in mud but meant in a good way. Very different from other D/IPAs but not strong enough. Sweet malts are present too.
Taste 3.5/5
Bitter and flavorful with hops but overly malty. Fruitiness is present but seems clashing. Some booze. Taste is better than average but nowhere close to the best. Gets cloying after a while.
Mouthfeel 4/5
Silkier and heavier bodied than most examples of the style with decent carbonation but not biting or crisp.
Drinkability 4/5
Drinkability is alright for a 9% ABV beer but it doesn’t seem like a DIPA.

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