Paulaner Hefe-Weizen
Paulaner Brauerei GmbH & Co. KG
5.5% ABV
11.2 oz bottle with a freshness date of June 2011 poured into a Sam Adams perfect pint on Nov 04, 2010.
Appearance 4.5/5
Cloudy yellow with hints of orange, this beer poured with a HUGE creamy white head that subsided a little, but stayed around and left a kickass lacing. Very very beautiful.
Aroma 4.5/5
It is perhaps the yeast and esters connection here but the nose immediately reminds me of Orval and Matilda. Phenolic but not overly spicy, perfumy (with wheat perhaps?), big on fruit (banana, bubblegum), and surprisingly tart. The light tartness is unexpected but pleasant. I don't get any of the breadiness though, which I believe is a freshness issue.
Taste 4/5
Banana is the king here. Starts fruity sweet, with slight tartness of bananas that are just ripe for eating, and none of that green or overly ripe shit! Crisp with carbonation but finishes medium spicy with lingering banana-esque flavors. Aftertaste is a let down: once the fruity flavors are gone, an unwelcome sweetness stays stubbornly on the palate, making me take another gulp to wash it away.
Mouthfeel 4.5/5
Medium body, good carbonation but finish is a drawback; if only there was a way to achieve these flavors in a drier beer.
Drinkability 4.5/5
Dangerosuly drinkable for its alcohol. Only because I make exceptions for Belgians that it reminds me of, I am rating this at 4.5: else it'd have been 4.
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