Monday, October 10, 2011

Three Philosophers

Three Philosophers
98% Quadrupel, 2% Kriek?
9.8% ABV

    2011 bottle poured into a Duvel glass. Pours rust brown with a dark tan colored big, creamy head. Medium retention, medium lacing.

    The aroma is dominated by Kriek than anything else in my opinion. Some malty/caramel-y/candi sugar goodness dances in the background. Nowhere as massive as the best examples in its malts or spices though.

    I loathed the taste initially but it seems to be growing on me. I am still having a hard time deciding whether the addition of Kriek works or not and I am leaning more towards the idea that it does. Still not sure if I would want Kriek in my Rochefort. Sweet caramel, slightly tart, definitely too bitter and appropriately tannic. A bit boozy at times.

    The mouthfeel is certainly good with low carbonation and good presence on the palate, as one would expect from a bigger beer. All in all it's a pretty mediocre Quadrupel but then it's priced right. I doubt if I will drink it again.

4, 3, 3, 4.5, 3

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