Saturday, October 8, 2011

Founders Centennial IPA

Founders Centennial IPA
7.2% ABV, 65 IBUs
An all centennial hop American IPA

    12 oz, bottled about 10 days ago, poured into a generic beer glass. Amber-copper hued, fairly clear, with a good and fluffy alabaster colored head. Good head retention and decent lacing.

    Aroma is initially all bready and malty but slowly transitions through candied fruit to intense citrus with notes of tropical fruit. I bet it had to do with the head and the head space in the glass.

    The taste is strong on citrus, specifically orange zest and grapefruit. Some alcohol here and there but never interfering. Not the driest IPA but fairly dry, with firm bitterness. Certainly not as big on tropical notes of mango-papaya-pineapple like Two Hearted, but definitely more earthy and perhaps marginally more bitter.

    Good body, great feel, and more alcohol by volume than I like. Underrated in my opinion because it'll always be compared to Two Hearted; the latter is more "flamboyant and outgoing" but both are equally good in my opinion.

4, 4, 4.5, 5, 4

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