Saturday, September 3, 2011


Double IPA
Kern River Brewing Company
8% ABV

    Pours clear and golden with a moderate alabaster head that formed in cascades atop the amber mass. The head is more bubbly than creamy with medium retention and good lacing.

    The aroma is all over the hop spectrum: from fruity to dank to spice. Reminds me of my local Abrasive at times. As it gets warm the sweetness comes through: hard to say whether it's exclusively from malts or there's some contribution from the alcohol. I think it's fairly standard for a DIPA and nothing exceptional, especially because it's all over the place and not showcasing a particular hop character.

    Mildly sweet, hints of fruit, quite crisp as opposed to creamy-viscous, with moderately bittering finish. Everything about the profile of this beer seems "moderate", or shall I say ordinary?

    As remarked, mouthfeel is crisp and clean on a lighter-than-your-usual-DIPA body; and I like the mouthfeel on this one.

Overall, ok. I can't taste the hype :/

4, 3, 3, 4, 3

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