Sunday, August 28, 2011

Taddy Porter

The Famous Taddy Porter
Samuel Smith, U.K.
5% ABV
32 IBUs
OG 1.050

550 ml (bought for 2.99 at Zipp's Liquors!) poured into a Surly pint glass.

    Dark brown with garnet highlights and a medium tan head with creamy texture. Good retention and great lacing. The aroma is classic British dark ale: caramel, toast, coconut and toffee; even more than dark malts that should be the highlight of this beer. Decent frutiness.

    Taste is heavier on the dark and fruity side of things than, say, toast and coconut. I don't get any coffee but certainly some chocolaty notes are present. The finish is quite sweet, with hints of roast, but not enough to make it too dry. The body is medium and carbonation a little high for the taste profile.

    If it indeed is an example of Old World porter, then the American versions are much better on the characteristics this beer boasts to be its highlights viz. roast, dryness etc. On the other hand I am loving the maltiness of this porter. Tough choice, but if I were aching for a porter as I know it, I'd rather grab an Edmund Fitzgerald.

Appearance 4/5; Aroma 4/5; Taste 3/5; Mouthfeel 4/5; Overall 4/5

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