Short's Brewing Company
7% ABV
20 IBU's
Winter seasonal (November). Stout with espresso beans and milk sugar. Received as an extra from lurchingbeast. Thanks man! Excited to try my first Short's brew having heard about their out-of-box methods! Poured from a 12 oz. bottle with no freshness date into a big snifter on 03/31/2011.
Pours dark espresso brown with no head in spite of a very vigorous pour. Few bubbles form on the sides but much stronger and thicker beers pour with better heads. Looks silky and inviting nonetheless.
This is a coffee stout, no doubt! Smells strongly of well roasted coffee beans and some sweetness at the back. If this beer is 4-5 months old now, I can only imagine how it would smell fresh! Nothing complex about it but exactly what you expect, and loads of it.
While the aroma reminds of chewing on coffee beans, taste is more diverse: of course there is coffee, and the acidity that comes with it, but there's a good amount of sweetness as well. The overall impression is what I am guessing Shorts was aiming for: coffee with cream.
Although it is smooth, there is some roast in the mouthfeel, and the perceived bitterness is way higher than 20 IBU's. Yes, they haven't fell short on adding coffee in here ;) The finish is slightly sweet with a long and very very flavorful coffee aftertaste. This belongs in the same league as Founders Breakfast Stout as far as the coffee flavors are concerned and I am sold!
Scores: Appearance 3/5, Aroma 4/5, Taste 4/5, Mouthfeel 4.5/5, Overall 4.5/5
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