Stone IPA
Stone Brewing Co.
India Pale Ale (American IPA on BeerAdvocate)
6.9 % ABV
12 oz. bottle poured into Sam Adams "perfect pint" with an enjoy by 09/15/10 date.
Appearance 5/5
Deep amber, bubbly, clear. About two finger creamy head. This one is going to lace the glass real good.
Aroma, Taste & Mouthfeel 4/5
Strong hop aroma that comes from dry hopping: piney, grassy. I don't detect much malts but as the beer warmed up, a few swirls release malt aroma too. Starts slightly fruity sweet with a nice carbonation: biting. Flavorful with hops: lemon peel like... aromatic, fresh and bitter! Malts support the beer but hops clearly dominate. Very crisp and refreshing. Finishes firmly bitter, clean and dry. Leaves the mouth bitter in a nice way.
Drinkable? 5/5
Hell yeah!
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