Monday, May 7, 2012

Town Hall current seasonals


Gem Single Hop Pale Ale

5.4% ABV

"Single Hop Pale Ale featuring the Pacific Gem hop. Hop forward tropical fruit nose and flavor with berry undertones, supported by pale malt base."

Poured into a 10 oz. chalice like glass.

Looks a little darker than the usual APA with a dense two finger head. A more maltier look, and malts come across in the taste as well. Smells hoppy and slightly sweet with floral and somewhat citrus notes.

Tastes juicy with fruit and fruit peel notes and some balancing bitterness. Some caramel too. Certainly tropical. Like other Town Hall beers the mouthfeel and carbonation are spot on.

Although a good beer, doesn't stand out in any way. I'd prefer it to be more dry and crisp although it's not overly sweet by any means.

4, 3, 4, 4.5, 3.5


6.5% ABV

Clear and clean amber-golden with a good head and good head retention. Clean and still rich with plenty of toffee, caramel and the melanoidins. Only slightly bitter with what I assume is a "noble" bitterness. Medium body and a slightly sweet bready finish. A very well done lager.

4, 3, 4, 4, 4


5.1% ABV

Cloudy and dirty golden with as much head and retention as the stupid sampler glass would permit. Holy phenols! Holy esters! Loads of clove and banana as promised on the menu and some bubblegum too. I am missing the lemony tartness that I sometimes get from this style... fairly crisp and not as dirty as some other examples are. However, it is very good and I will drink it again.

4, 4, 4, 4, 4.5

Cherry Dubbel

8% ABV

Whiskey and cola colored with a small head, although the 5 oz glass might be the culprit here. Aroma is coconut and cherry covered chocolate, very nice.

The taste is led by cherry but not dominated by it. An exceptionally smooth taste with the malts and the esters complementing the fruit very well. Slightly tart and moderately carbonated with a silky feel and a clean finish.

I enjoyed it thoroughly!

3, 4, 4, 4.5, 4

Grand Cru

9% ABV

This beer has changed over years as I have been told. Back in 2006 it was a golden colored beer... my sample is not golden by a long shot. It's a bright looking dark copper hued beer with some depth to its looks. It drinks like a Belgian Dark Ale and I think it's an attempt at a Quadrupel, and not an entirely shabby one. Prominent notes include fruit, toast and baked dessert. Light body in spite of high ABV (sugars I assume), and high carbonation. A full, bursting mouthfeel and an overall alcoholic character present both in the aroma and the taste.

While not bad, it doesn't do too well against its competition :-/

3.5, 3.5, 3.5, 4, 3

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