Thursday, March 22, 2012

Titan IPA

Titan IPA

    12 oz, not the freshest bottle, poured into a pint. I have never seen this beer fresh, I guess they just send the old beer out here :-/

    Amber colored, moderate clarity, thick sediment, medium head, good retention. Smells of malt and tastes such... quite delicious in that department. Sweet, toasty and caramel like. Very good. There presence of old hops in aroma and taste in undeniable but not not assertive. The fruitiness is absent but some earthy/grassy notes remain. Like an aged American Barleywine diluted with an equal amount of water to take the edge off.
That said, as far as the description on the label goes, this is mostly fail.

4, 3, 3, 3, 2

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